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You Dream it, We code it.
Coded Bro





About Us

We are IT experts who bring data-driven and innovative digital transformation approaches to our clients. Our skills and experience in Software Development have enabled sustainable growth for enterprises of all sizes.

We have rich experience in developing blockchain-based solutions, including advanced Cryptocurrency Exchange, NFT Marketplace, Blockchain-based game, Crypto Wallet, IDO/IEO/STO Consulting, Smart Contracts... with cost-optimized white-label options that can help you enter the blockchain market quickly.

CodedBro delivers the full-cycle software development services, from IT consulting to roadmaps designing and developing end to end scalable technology solutions. By analysing your project requirements and business needs, we are able to adapt seamlessly to your requests.

Concept of Action

Code analysis

This is the process of examining code without actually running it. This is often done with automated tools that can detect potential errors, security vulnerabilities, or inefficiencies in the code.

Code Implementation

This is the stage in programming where the design of a program is turned into actual code. This involves writing the code line by line, following the programming language's syntax and logic to achieve the desired functionality.

Code Audit

This is a manual review process where experienced developers scrutinize code for errors, security weaknesses, and adherence to coding standards. It's a deeper dive than code analysis, and often involves looking at the bigger picture of how the code interacts with other parts of the system.
The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers. Sydney Harris

Core Values

CodedBro strongly believes in the significance of efficient communication and collaboration with Our Clients. Our team works closely with your company to understand your systems and go through every phase of the development process with the best support.
We involve customers and constantly receive feedbacks to optimize the processes according to your needs. As a Client of SotaTek, you can rest assured that all details in the project are well-explained and timely updated to you and your team.





Services Rendered

Blochchain / Web3 Technology

  • Programs or Smart contract Development.

  • Web3 website Development.

  • Programs or Smart contract Auditor.

  • Script Development

Website Development

  • Simple single paged websites.

  • E-commerce Websites.

  • Academic or School websites.

  • Portfolio or Bussness sites, etc...

Software Development

  • Mobile Apps.

  • Desktop Apps.

  • Web Apps.

  • Linux Apps.

Code Security Optimization and Maintenance

  • Code Auditing.

  • Code Testing.

  • Code upgrading.

  • Code Maintenance.